145 Woodworking Books on DVD!
This is the largest collection of woodworking plans and books you will find anywhere!
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The ultimate collection for anyone interested in woodworking, carpentry, lathe work, wood turning, carving and furniture making. This is the largest and most complete woodworking library anywhere! The ultimate gift for anyone who loves to work with wood and design their own things. Learn to be a master woodworker with all the tools you need at your fingertips – a lifetime of knowledge is contained here. This DVD-ROM contains 145 woodworking manuals and books. This is the largest and most complete woodworking collection you will find anywhere.
You will not find a larger or more thorough collection anywhere else.
Collected together on one unique DVD-Rom this is the only collection you will ever need.
Collected together on one unique DVD-Rom this is the only collection you will ever need.
145 woodworking manuals and books on DVD-ROM
1. A Descriptive Catalog of Manufactures from Native Woods 1886
2. A Manual of Carpentry and Joinery 1905
3. A Manual of Fret Cutting and Wood Carving 1875
4. A Syllabus of a Course on Elementary Woodworking 1913
5. A Treatise on the Construction and Operation of Wood-working Machines 1872
6. A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical 1861
7. Advanced Projects in Woodwork 1912
8. Agricultural Woodworking 1916
9. Amateur Joinery in the Home 1916
10.American Woodworking Machinery for Vocational Training 1920
11. Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork in the South Kensington Museum 1874
12. Applied Science for Wood Workers 1919
13. Architectural Hardwood Finishing 1906
14. Beginning Woodwork at Home and in School 1907
15. Bench Work in Wood 1888
16. Bench Work in Wood 1905
17. Berlin Course of Easy Wood Work 1895
18. Cabinetwork and Joinery 1907
19. Carpentry 1916
20. Carpentry and Woodwork 1911
21. Carpentry for Beginners 1917
22. Carpentry for Boys - Elementary Woodwork 1893
23. Carpentry Made Easy 1857
24. Cedar Chests - How to Make Them 1918
25. Colonial Furniture in America 1901
26. Correlated Courses in Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing 1912
27. Craftsman Homes 1909
28. Cutting Tools Worked By Hand and Machine 1882
29. Descriptive Catalog of the Woods 1843
30. Design and Construction in Wood 1913
31. Douglas Fir Ship 1917
32. Early English Furniture & Woodwork Vol 1 1922
33. Early English Furniture & Woodwork Vol 2 1922
34. Educational Woodwork - A Text Book for the Use of Instructors and Students 1905
35. Educational Woodworking for Home and School 1908
36. Elementary Turning For Use in Manual Training Classes 1907
37. Elementary Woodwork - A Series of Sixteen Lessons 1893
38. Elementary Woodwork For Use in Manual Training Classes 1906
39. Elementary Woodworking 1903
40. Elementary Woodworking Projects 1922
41. Elements of Woodwork and Construction 1911
42. English Church Woodwork 1919
43. English Furniture 1905
44. Essentials of Woodworking - A Textbook for Schools 1908
45. Exercises in Wood Working 1890
46. Farm Woodwork 1919
47. First Lessons in Wood-Working 1888
48. Forty Lessons in Carpentry Workshop Practice 1896
49. Furniture 1911
50. Furniture Designing and Drafting 1900
51. Furniture for the Craftsman - A Manual for the Student and Machanic 1914
52. Furniture Making, Advanced Projects in Woodwork 1912
53. Furniture Making, Advanced Projects in Woodwork 1917
54. Furniture Masterpieces of Duncan Phyfe 1922
55. Furniture of the Olden Time 1902
56. Furniture of the Pilgrim Century 1921
57. Handbook in Woodwork and Carpentry, for Teachers and Normal Schools 1911
58. Handwork in Wood 1910
59. Hints and Practical Information for Cabinet-Makers 1899
60. How to Make Common Things - For Boys 1895
61. How to Teach Wood Finishing 1914
62. Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue Patent Labor-Saving Wood-Working Machinery 1910
63. Intarsia and Marquetry 1903
64. Introduction to the Mechanical Principles of Carpentry 1827
65. Lathe Work For Beginners 1922
66. Learn by Doing A Scheme of Simple Woodwork 1906
67. Light and Heavy Timber Framing Made Easy 1909
68. Machinery's Shop Receipts and Formulas 1911
69. Making Built-In Furniture 1914
70. Manual Instruction Woodwork 1892
71. Manual Training for the Rural Schools 1916
72. Manual Training in Education 1896
73. Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery 1903
74. Modern American Lathe Practice 1907
75. Modern Carpentry - A Practical Manual Vol 1 1917
76. Modern Carpentry - A Practical Manual Vol 2 1917
77. More Craftsman Homes 1912
78. Old English Furniture 1904
79. Old Oak Furniture 1905
80. On the Arrangement, Care, and Operation of Wood-Working Factories and Machinery 1873
81. Our Workshop 1873
82. Pattern-Making 1910
83. Pattern-Making 1914
84. Practical Carpentry, Joinery, and Cabinet-Making 1826
85. Practical Carpentry, Joinery, and Cabinet-Making 1856
86. Practical Hints for Furniture Men 1880
87. Practical Wood Carving 1907
88. Problems in Elementary Woodworking 1920
89. Problems in Farm Woodwork 1919
90. Problems in Furniture Making 1913
91. Problems in Woodwork 1922
92. Problems in Woodworking 1905
93. Problems of the Finishing Room 1916
94. Richey's Guide and Assistant for Carpenters and Mechanics 1894
95. Rustic Carpentry 1908
96. Safety in Woodworking 1918
97. Saw-Mills, Their Arrangement and Management 1883
98. Shop Work - Joinery, Cabinet-Making, Carpentry 1918
99. Some Difficult Problems in Carpentry and Joinery 1883
100. Some Practical Hints on Wood Engraving 1879
101. Text-Book of Modern Carpentry 1858
102. The Amateur's Handbook of Practical Information for the Workshop and the Laboratory 1879
103. The Art and Craft of Cabinet-Making 1891
104. The Art of Wood Carving 1867
105. The Book of Camping and Woodcraft 1906
106. The Book of Garden Furniture 1903
107. The Boy Craftsman 1905
108. The Builder and Woodworker Magazine 1880
109. The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Companion 1850
110. The Carpenter's and Builder's Assistant, and Wood Worker's Guide 1874
111. The Carpenter's New Guide 1867
112. The Craftsman Vol 11 Oct 1906 - Mar 1907
113. The Expert Wood Finisher 1921
114. The Furniture of our Forefathers 1913
115. The Illustrated Wood Worker Magazine Vol 1 1879
116. The Modern Wood Finisher 1901
117. The New Carpenter's and Builder's Assistant and Wood Worker's Guide 1879
118. The Patternmaker Magazine 1904
119. The Practical Book of Period Furniture 1914
120. The Sloyd System of Wood Working 1892
121. The Wood Turner's Handy Book 1901
122. The Woodworker Magazine 1920
123. The Workshop Companion 1879
124. Timber 1908
125. Tool Processes in Woodworking 1919
126. Tools and Machines 1903
127. Training in Wood-Work, For use in Training and Technical School 1902
128. Wood and Other Organic Structural Material 1917
129. Wood Carving Design and Workmanship 1903
130. Wood Conversion By Machinery 1876
131. Wood Finisher 1911
132. Wood Finishing 1897
133. Wood Pattern Making 1906
134. Wood Worker's Tools 1897
135. Wood Working, Wood Turning, & Patternmaking 1905
136. Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing 1914
137. Woodwork Course for Boys 1893
138. Woodwork for Beginners 1916
139. Woodwork for Schools on Scientific Lines 1909
140. Woodwork for Secondary Schools 1916
141. Woodwork Joints - How They are Set Out, How Made and Where Used MORE 1921
142. Woodworking for Beginners - A Manual for Amateurs 1907
143. Woodworking For Beginners 1906
144. Woodworking Tools 1881
145. A Laboratory Course in Wood-Turning 1897
2. A Manual of Carpentry and Joinery 1905
3. A Manual of Fret Cutting and Wood Carving 1875
4. A Syllabus of a Course on Elementary Woodworking 1913
5. A Treatise on the Construction and Operation of Wood-working Machines 1872
6. A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical 1861
7. Advanced Projects in Woodwork 1912
8. Agricultural Woodworking 1916
9. Amateur Joinery in the Home 1916
10.American Woodworking Machinery for Vocational Training 1920
11. Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork in the South Kensington Museum 1874
12. Applied Science for Wood Workers 1919
13. Architectural Hardwood Finishing 1906
14. Beginning Woodwork at Home and in School 1907
15. Bench Work in Wood 1888
16. Bench Work in Wood 1905
17. Berlin Course of Easy Wood Work 1895
18. Cabinetwork and Joinery 1907
19. Carpentry 1916
20. Carpentry and Woodwork 1911
21. Carpentry for Beginners 1917
22. Carpentry for Boys - Elementary Woodwork 1893
23. Carpentry Made Easy 1857
24. Cedar Chests - How to Make Them 1918
25. Colonial Furniture in America 1901
26. Correlated Courses in Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing 1912
27. Craftsman Homes 1909
28. Cutting Tools Worked By Hand and Machine 1882
29. Descriptive Catalog of the Woods 1843
30. Design and Construction in Wood 1913
31. Douglas Fir Ship 1917
32. Early English Furniture & Woodwork Vol 1 1922
33. Early English Furniture & Woodwork Vol 2 1922
34. Educational Woodwork - A Text Book for the Use of Instructors and Students 1905
35. Educational Woodworking for Home and School 1908
36. Elementary Turning For Use in Manual Training Classes 1907
37. Elementary Woodwork - A Series of Sixteen Lessons 1893
38. Elementary Woodwork For Use in Manual Training Classes 1906
39. Elementary Woodworking 1903
40. Elementary Woodworking Projects 1922
41. Elements of Woodwork and Construction 1911
42. English Church Woodwork 1919
43. English Furniture 1905
44. Essentials of Woodworking - A Textbook for Schools 1908
45. Exercises in Wood Working 1890
46. Farm Woodwork 1919
47. First Lessons in Wood-Working 1888
48. Forty Lessons in Carpentry Workshop Practice 1896
49. Furniture 1911
50. Furniture Designing and Drafting 1900
51. Furniture for the Craftsman - A Manual for the Student and Machanic 1914
52. Furniture Making, Advanced Projects in Woodwork 1912
53. Furniture Making, Advanced Projects in Woodwork 1917
54. Furniture Masterpieces of Duncan Phyfe 1922
55. Furniture of the Olden Time 1902
56. Furniture of the Pilgrim Century 1921
57. Handbook in Woodwork and Carpentry, for Teachers and Normal Schools 1911
58. Handwork in Wood 1910
59. Hints and Practical Information for Cabinet-Makers 1899
60. How to Make Common Things - For Boys 1895
61. How to Teach Wood Finishing 1914
62. Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue Patent Labor-Saving Wood-Working Machinery 1910
63. Intarsia and Marquetry 1903
64. Introduction to the Mechanical Principles of Carpentry 1827
65. Lathe Work For Beginners 1922
66. Learn by Doing A Scheme of Simple Woodwork 1906
67. Light and Heavy Timber Framing Made Easy 1909
68. Machinery's Shop Receipts and Formulas 1911
69. Making Built-In Furniture 1914
70. Manual Instruction Woodwork 1892
71. Manual Training for the Rural Schools 1916
72. Manual Training in Education 1896
73. Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery 1903
74. Modern American Lathe Practice 1907
75. Modern Carpentry - A Practical Manual Vol 1 1917
76. Modern Carpentry - A Practical Manual Vol 2 1917
77. More Craftsman Homes 1912
78. Old English Furniture 1904
79. Old Oak Furniture 1905
80. On the Arrangement, Care, and Operation of Wood-Working Factories and Machinery 1873
81. Our Workshop 1873
82. Pattern-Making 1910
83. Pattern-Making 1914
84. Practical Carpentry, Joinery, and Cabinet-Making 1826
85. Practical Carpentry, Joinery, and Cabinet-Making 1856
86. Practical Hints for Furniture Men 1880
87. Practical Wood Carving 1907
88. Problems in Elementary Woodworking 1920
89. Problems in Farm Woodwork 1919
90. Problems in Furniture Making 1913
91. Problems in Woodwork 1922
92. Problems in Woodworking 1905
93. Problems of the Finishing Room 1916
94. Richey's Guide and Assistant for Carpenters and Mechanics 1894
95. Rustic Carpentry 1908
96. Safety in Woodworking 1918
97. Saw-Mills, Their Arrangement and Management 1883
98. Shop Work - Joinery, Cabinet-Making, Carpentry 1918
99. Some Difficult Problems in Carpentry and Joinery 1883
100. Some Practical Hints on Wood Engraving 1879
101. Text-Book of Modern Carpentry 1858
102. The Amateur's Handbook of Practical Information for the Workshop and the Laboratory 1879
103. The Art and Craft of Cabinet-Making 1891
104. The Art of Wood Carving 1867
105. The Book of Camping and Woodcraft 1906
106. The Book of Garden Furniture 1903
107. The Boy Craftsman 1905
108. The Builder and Woodworker Magazine 1880
109. The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Companion 1850
110. The Carpenter's and Builder's Assistant, and Wood Worker's Guide 1874
111. The Carpenter's New Guide 1867
112. The Craftsman Vol 11 Oct 1906 - Mar 1907
113. The Expert Wood Finisher 1921
114. The Furniture of our Forefathers 1913
115. The Illustrated Wood Worker Magazine Vol 1 1879
116. The Modern Wood Finisher 1901
117. The New Carpenter's and Builder's Assistant and Wood Worker's Guide 1879
118. The Patternmaker Magazine 1904
119. The Practical Book of Period Furniture 1914
120. The Sloyd System of Wood Working 1892
121. The Wood Turner's Handy Book 1901
122. The Woodworker Magazine 1920
123. The Workshop Companion 1879
124. Timber 1908
125. Tool Processes in Woodworking 1919
126. Tools and Machines 1903
127. Training in Wood-Work, For use in Training and Technical School 1902
128. Wood and Other Organic Structural Material 1917
129. Wood Carving Design and Workmanship 1903
130. Wood Conversion By Machinery 1876
131. Wood Finisher 1911
132. Wood Finishing 1897
133. Wood Pattern Making 1906
134. Wood Worker's Tools 1897
135. Wood Working, Wood Turning, & Patternmaking 1905
136. Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing 1914
137. Woodwork Course for Boys 1893
138. Woodwork for Beginners 1916
139. Woodwork for Schools on Scientific Lines 1909
140. Woodwork for Secondary Schools 1916
141. Woodwork Joints - How They are Set Out, How Made and Where Used MORE 1921
142. Woodworking for Beginners - A Manual for Amateurs 1907
143. Woodworking For Beginners 1906
144. Woodworking Tools 1881
145. A Laboratory Course in Wood-Turning 1897
On Sale Now! $9.99
145 Woodworking Plans and Books on DVD-Rom - The largest and most extensive collection you will find anywhere!
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