Monday, July 13, 2015

Engraving Cutting Etching Printmaking

86 Engraving & Printmaking Books on DVD !
This is the largest collection of Engraving, Carving, Cutting, Etching and Printmaking books you will find anywhere!

On Sale Now! $9.99

The ultimate gift for anyone who is interested in making their own engravings, stamps, lithography, woodblock prints, stone and/or wood carvings, tombstones, surface etchings, full color prints, type sets or pretty much anything that has to do with carving, etching, printing or engraving the surface of nearly any material in order to create either identifying text or symbols all the way to beautiful imagery found nowhere else. From all of the basic preparations and methods to the tools required, this collection contains all of the information you need to master your chosen method of engraving, carving or printing. How to prepare surfaces, examples of engravings or other similar works and even fine prints are shown as examples and the methods on how to create your own as well! The most excellent and thorough collection on the subject anywhere! 

This DVD-ROM contains 86 engraving, cutting, carving, etching and printmaking books. This is the largest and most complete engraving and carving collection you will find anywhere!
        You will not find a larger or more thorough collection anywhere else.

Collected together on one unique DVD-Rom this is the only collection you will ever need..
Over 22,000 pages!!!!!

1. A Biographical Dictionary – Containing an Historical Account of All The Engravers 1785 – 922 pages
2. A Brief History of Wood Engraving from Its Invention 1895 – 142 pages
3. A Catalogue of Engravers, Who have Been Born, or Resided in England 1794 – 268 pages
4. A Descriptive Bibliography of the Most Important Books in the English Language, Relating to the Art and History of Engraving 1912 – 744 pages
5. A History Of Wood Engraving 1883 – 223 pages
6. A Manual of Instruction in the Art of Wood Engraving – With A Description of the Necessary Tools and Apparatus, and Concise Directions for Their Use, and The Methods Employed for Producing The Various Classes of Wood Engravings 1867 – 51 pages
7. A Short History of Engraving and Etching For the Use of Collectors and Students With Full Bibliography, Classified List and Index of Engravers 1908 – 495 pages
8. A Treatise on Wood Engravings – Historical and Practical 1881 – 723 pages
9. Albrecht Altdorfer und Wolf Huber 1910 (German Language) – 174 pages
10. Albrecht Dürer, His Engravings and Woodcuts 1911 – 141 pages
11. American Engravers upon Copper and Steel 1917 – 376 pages
12. An Essay on the Utility of Collecting the Best Works of the Ancient Engravers of the Italian School 1827 – 549 pages
13. An Important Collection of Incunabula and XVI Century Books 1900 – 141 pages
14. An Inquiry Into the Origin and Early History of Engraving Upon Copper and In Wood Vol 1 1816 – 519 pages
15. An Inquiry Into the Origin and Early History of Engraving Upon Copper and In Wood Vol 2 1816 – 390 pages
16. Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Pre-Raphaelite Engravers 1911 – 145 pages
17. Bernhard Von Breydenbach and His Journey to the Holy Land 1483-4 – A Bibliography 1911 – 216 pages
18. Catalogue of Early German and Flemish Woodcuts Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum Vol 1 1903 – 623 pages
19. Catalogue of Early German and Flemish Woodcuts Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum Vol 2 1903 – 544 pages
20. Chats on Old Prints 1909 – 452 pages
21. Considerations on Engraving 1921 – 22 pages
22. Der Kupferstich 1896 (German Language) – 255 pages
23. Der Original-Holzschnitt – Eine Einführung in Sein Wesen u. Seine Technik 1922 (German Language) – 111 pages
24. Die Graphik der Neuzeit vom Anfang des 19 Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart 1922 (German Language) – 595 pages
25. Die Kölner Bibel 1923 (German Language) – 76 pages
26. Die Primitiven Holzschnitte 1922 (German Language) – 118 pages
27. Early Woodcut Initials Containing Over 1,300 Reproductions of Ornamental Letters of the 15th and 16th Centuries 1908 – 303 pages
28. Eighteenth Century Colour Prints – An Essay on Certain Stipple Engravers and Their Work in Colour 1906 – 333 pages
29. Engraving – Its Origin, Processes, and History 1886 – 366 pages
30. Engraving and Etching – A Handbook For the Use of Students and Print Collectors 1907 – 337 pages
31. Engraving Metals – With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams 1912 – 161 pages
32. Engravings and Their Value – A Guide for the Print Collector 1891 – 489 pages
33. Fine Prints 1897 – 286 pages
34. French Engravers of the Eighteenth Century 1913 – 131 pages
35. From Holbein to Whistler – Notes on Drawing and Engraving 1920 – 214 pages
36. Handbook of Wood Engraving With Practical Instruction in The Art For Persons Wishing to Learn Without An Instructor – Containing A Description of Tools and Apparatus Used and Explaining the Manner of Engraving Various Classes of Work, Including a History of The Art From Its Origin to The Present Time 1881 – 99 pages
37. Hans Holbein the Younger – His Old Testament Illustrations, Dance of Death and Other Woodcuts 1912 – 146 pages
38. Italian Book Illustrations, Chiefly of the 15th Century 1894 – 99 pages
39. John Raphael Smith and the Great Mezzotinters of the Time of Reynolds 1911 – 144 pages
40. Kupferstich und Holzschnitt in Vier Jahrhunderten 1922 (German Language) – 612 pages
41. Les Estampes de Peter Brvegel L’Ancien 1908 (French Language) – 361 pages
42. Mezzotints 1904 – 336 pages
43. Modern Etchings, Mezzotints and Dry Points 1913 – 287 pages
44. Modern Wood Engraving 1839 – 69 pages
45. Modern Woodcuts and Lithographs by British and French Artists 1919 – 212 pages
46. Old English Mezzotints 1910 – 281 pages
47. One Hundred and Fifty Wood Cuts, Selected from the Penny Magazine 1835 – 457 pages
48. Practical Instruction in the Art of Wood Engraving 1876 – 62 pages
49. Prints – A Brief Review of Their Technique and History 1914 – 290 pages
50. Prints And Their Makers Essays On Engravers And Etchers Old And Modern 1912 – 476 pages
51. Reproductions of Woodcuts 1860-1866 1870 – 58 pages
52. Sculptura Historico-Technica – The History and Art of Engraving – Containing the Rise and Progress of Engraving, Engraving in General, Engraving, Etching and Scraping on Copper as Now Practiced, An Idea of A Fine Collection of Prints, The Repertorium, or A Collection of Various Makers and Cyphers and A Chronological and Historical Series of the Painters from The Eleventh Century Extracted from Ancient Texts 1770 – 297 pages
53. Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century 1898 – 46 pages
54. Some Practical Hints on Wood Engraving for the Instruction of Reviewers and the Public 1879 – 107 pages
55. Specimens of Early Wood Engraving, Being Impressions of Woodcuts in the Possession of the Publisher 1862 – 244 pages
56. Suppressed Plates and Wood Engravings 1907 – 334 pages
57. The Art of Wood-Engraving in Italy in the Fifteenth Century 1888 – 218 pages
58. The Golden Age of Engraving – A Specialist’s Story about Fine Prints 1910 – 550 pages
59. The Graphic Arts of Great Britain – Drawing, Line-Engraving, Etching, Mezzotint, Aquatint, Lithography, Wood-Engraving and Color Printing 1917 – 174 pages
60. The History of Engraving from its Inception to the Time of Thomas Bewick 1908 – 241 pages
61. The History of Wood Engraving in America 1882 – 132 pages
62. The Old Engravers of England – In Their Relation to Contemporary Life and Art (1540-1800) 1906 – 339 pages
63. The Origin and Antiquity of Engraving – With Some remarks on The Utility and Pleasures of Prints 1872 – 60 pages
64. The Wonders of Engraving 1871 – 339 pages
65. The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century, in Three Parts – The History of The Woodcutters, The Catologue of The Woodcuts and The List of Books Containing Woodcuts 1884 – 411 pages
66. Tools and Materials Used in Etching and Engraving – 23 pages
67. Whitman’s Print Collector’s Handbook 1912 – 520 pages
68. William Hogarth – His Original Engravings and Etchings 1912 – 146 pages
69. Wood Engraving Today 1917 – 12 pages
70. Woodcut – 34 pages

Also included are the following rare books on Japanese Printmaking, Prints and Engraving!

71. A History of Japanese Colour-Prints 1910 – 411 pages
72. Catalogue of Prints and Books, Illustrating the History of Engraving in Japan 1888 – 117 pages
73. Catalogue of Ukiyoye 1902 – 50 pages
74. Chats on Japanese Prints 1915 – 452 pages
75. Der Japanische Holzschnitt, ein Abriss seiner Geschichte 1922 (German Language) – 171 pages
76. Die Kunst der Japanischen Holzschnittmeister 1922 (German Language) – 224 pages
77. Guide to an Exhibition of Japanese Color-Prints Together with Contemporary Paintings of The Ukiyo-E School, Picture-Books and A Selection of Chinese Color Prints 1921 – 10 pages
78. Impressions of Ukiyo-ye, the School of the Japanese Colour-Print Artists 1905 – 120 pages
79. Japanese Colour Prints 1920 – 43 pages
80. Japanese Illustrations – A History of the Arts of Wood-Cutting and Colour Printing in Japan – 337 pages
81. Japanese Wood Engravings Their History, Technique and Characteristics 1895 – 95 pages
82. Les Estampes Japonaises – Traduction de P. André Lemoisne 1911 (French Language) – 464 pages
83. Les Maîtres de L’Estampe Japonaise 1914 (French Language) – 400 pages
84. On Collecting Japanese Colour-Prints 1917 – 202 pages
85. The Colour-Prints of Japan – An Appreciation and History 1906 – 129 pages
86. The Masters of Ukioye – A Complete Historical Description of Japanese Paintings and Color Prints of the Genre School 1896 – 240 pages

On Sale Now! $9.99

- The largest and most extensive collection you will find anywhere!

About our DVD-ROM:
Please note that these are electronic books. You will receive all manuals and books in pdf format on 1 DVD-ROM. The manuals and books are all in PDF format which means that you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to read them or a similar program. Adobe Reader is free and if you do not already have it on your computer, you can download it free from Adobe. This is a data DVD for use on your computer only (requires DVD-Rom drive). It will not work in a CD-player or the DVD player connected to your TV.

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