Monday, July 13, 2015

Ultimate Survival Collection

Everything You Ever Needed or Wanted to Know About Self Sufficiency and Survival on One DVD Disk!

This DVD has everything you will need to be prepared and able to survive in any situation. Over 150+ books are contained on this DVD to teach you everything from how to start your own fire easily, how to navigate terrain, to telling the time by the sun, to hand to hand fighting and more. Learn how to cook and preserve food properly, raise all manner of animals, heal injuries, make your own shelters, raise bees, garden, live off the land, read maps, sword fight, identify what plants are poisonous and edible and survive in any situation. This DVD has every resource you will need so you will never need another survival resource again. There is so much here that you could continue coming back to these resources for a lifetime of learning. After all, there are over 36,000 pages contained on this DVD of learning manuals and books. You can't get more extensive than that! If you want to be prepared in any situation with all of the skills you need than this DVD-ROM has you covered. this is the only collection you will ever need to have everything covered. And no larger or more comprehensive collection exists anywhere on the web. There are even extra bonus materials available exclusively through this collection. You will find an extensive collection like this nowhere else!

On Sale Now! $9.99

The materials you'll receive on the disk!
Over 36,000 pages of survival manuals and books!

1) DiGrassi Medieval Sword Manual - 1594 - 184 pages
2) Milch Cows and Dairy Farming - 1867 - 432 pages
3) Practical Water Farming - 1868 - 290 pages
4) Hints to Sportsmen and Travellers - 1874 - 353 pages
5) Modern High Farming - 1886 - 97 pages
6) Health and Comfort in House Building - 1890 - 217 pages
7) Practical Blacksmithing - 1891 - 294 pages
8) Forest Planting - 1893 - 264 pages
9) Trail and Campfire Book - 1897 - 381 pages
10) Dan Beard's Animal Book and Campfire Stories - 1907 - 634 pages
11) Irrigation for the Farm Garden - 1893 - 287 pages
12) Historic Icelandic Wrestling - 1908 - 38 pages
13) Dry Farming - 1909 - 307 pages
14) Practical Farming - 1907 - 128 pages
15) Forage Crops - 1900 - 304 pages
16) Cyclopedia of American Agriculture - 1910 - 779 pages
17) Yarns for Boy Scouts - 1910 - 228 pages
18) Harper's Camping and Scouting - 1911 - 421 pages
19) Principles of Irrigation Engineering - 1913 - 345 pages
20) Outdoor Handy Book - 1914 - 526 pages
21) Game Farming for Profit and Pleasure - 1915 - 65 pages
22) Feeds and Feeding - 1916 - 708 pages
23) Handbook of Rock Excavation Methods and Cost - 1916 - 86 pages
24) Hunting with the Bow and Arrow - 1916 - 161 pages
25) Successful Farming - 1916 - 1143 pages
26) Irrigation and Drainage - 1918 - 537 pages
27) Farm Poultry - 1919 - 395 pages
28) Poultry - A Practical Guide - 1919 - 192 pages
29) Scouting for Girls - 1919 - 580 pages
30) Farm Blacksmithing - 1920 - 97 pages
31) The Secrets of Jujitsu - 1920 - 83 pages
32) Trail Craft - 1920 - 239 pages
33) The Military Survival Manual - 676 pages
34) USMC Summer Survival Manual - 180 pages
35) USMC Winter Survival Manual - 187 pages
36) A-B-C of Gardening - 1915 - 136 pages
37) Bayonet Training - 65 pages
38) Boxer's Training Manual - 50 pages
39) A Manual of Beekeeping - 1875 - 250 pages
40) Tactical Combat Casualty & Wound Care - 177 pages
41) How to Avoid Getting Lost - 23 pages
42) Practical Rabbit Keeping - 1919 - 200 pages
43) Treating Fractures in the Field - 113 pages
44) Map Reading and Land Navigation - 246 pages
45) Plant Identification - 21 pages
46) Ranger Handbook - 327 pages
47) Wilderness Homes - Log Cabin Building - 1908 - 233 pages
48) Useful Wild Plants Of The US And Canada - 1920 - 275 pages
49) How To Produce Extracted Honey - 1904 - 36 pages
50) The Handbook of Soap Manufacture - 1908 - 172 pages
51) The Complete Herbalist - 1872 - 516 pages
52) The Outdoor Handy Book - 1914 - 531 pages
53) The Horse and how to care for him - 1911 - 200 pages
54) The Making of Leather - 1914 - 180 pages
55) The Horse's Foot and how to shoe it - 1879 - 99 pages
56) Underground Treasures Where And How To Find Them - 1881 - 177 pages
57) How To Succeed With The Home Orchard - 1920 - 102 pages
58) Hand Made Furniture And How To Make It - 1910 - 64 pages
59) Hand to Hand Fighting - 1918 - 85 pages
60) Harness Making - 1904 - 168 pages
61) Homesteading Two Prairie Seasons - 1918 - 302 pages
62) How to Swim - 1918 - 306 pages
63) How to Make Rugs - 1902 - 163 pages
64) How to Make Creamery Butter on the Farm - 1915 - 100 pages
65) How To Make Baskets - 1915 - 194 pages
66) How to Make a Shoe - 1882 - 132 pages
67) How to grow vegetables and garden herbs a practical handbook and planting table for the vegetable gardener - 1911 - 367 pages
68) Grape Culture and Wine Making - 1888 - 388 pages
69) Garden Vegetables And How To Cultivate Them - 1866 - 355 pages
70) Garden guide, the amateur gardener's handbook how to plan, plant and maintain the home grounds, the suburban garden, the city lot - 1917 - 255 pages
71) Combat Training with Pistols 68 pages
72) Close Combat 113 pages
73) Counter Guerrilla Operations - 254 pages
74) Eye, Ear and Nose Injuries 61 pages
75) Domestic animals - a pocket manual of cattle, horse and sheep husbandry with a chapter on beekeeeping - 1858 - 180 pages
76) Culpeppers Complete Herbal - Herbal Medicine - 1880 - 450 pages
77) Cottage Economy - Making Beer & Bread & Raising Livestock - 1833 - 68 pages
78) Cheese and Cheese Making - 1896 - 168 pages
79) A Practical Treatise on Coach-Building - Making Wagons - 1881 - 188 pages
80) Angling A Practical Guide - 1867 - 210 pages
81) Animal Fats and Oils - How to Use Them - 1898 - 240 pages
82) At home in the wilderness - 1876 - 317 pages
83) Boat Building And Boating - 1911 - 190 pages
84) The chemistry of breadmaking - 1917 - 230 pages
85) Boy scouts of America a handbook of woodcraft scouting, and life-craft - 1910 - 192 pages
86) Artificial Flies And How To Make Them - 1888 - 33 pages
87) Battle Fire Training - 1917 - 313 pages
88) American Boys Book Of Signs Signals And Symbols - 1918 - 250 pages
89) Canoe and Boat Building - 1889 - 263 pages
90) Beginners Book Of Gardening - 1911 - 88 pages
91) American Grape Training - 1893 - 95 pages
92) Beginner's bee book - 1919 - 179 pages
93) An Illustrated History Of Arms And Armor - 1911 - 595 pages
94) Aerial Navigation - 1918 - 64 pages
95) Campfire Cookery - 1921 - 121 pages
96) A complete manual of archery - 1878 - 259 pages
97) Elementary Forge Practice - 1917 - 148 pages
98) First Aid Dentistry - 1914 - 153 pages
99) Farm Machinery and Farm Motors - 1908 - 513 pages
100) Flying Machines Construction And Operation - 1910 - 221 pages
101) Motor Bicycle Building - 1906 - 160 pages
102) Tested Formulas and Useful House and Farm Recipes - 1910 - 148 pages
103) Prospecting For Gold And Silver - 1895 - 207 pages
104) Spices And How To Know Them - 1909 - 179 pages
105) The American gardener - 1856 - 230 pages
106) The Art Of Soap Making - 1884 - 260 pages
107) Field Antenna Handbook - 188 pages
108) Standards In Weapons Training - 179 pages
109) The American Boy's Handybook of Camp-Lore and Woodcraft - 1920 - 270 pages
110) Practical Blacksmithing Vol 1 - 1889 - 224 pages
111) The Forcing Fruit and Kitchen Gardener - 1802 - 427 pages
112) The bee preserver or, Practical directions for the management and preservation of hives - 1829 - 134 pages
113) The Book of Camping and Woodcraft - 1906 - 321 pages
114) The amateur's practical garden-book - 1900 - 250 pages
115) Sniper Training - 329 pages
116) Combat Skills - 177 pages
117) First Aid to the Injured - 1915 - 215 pages
118) Fertilizers - How to Make Them - 1885 - 116 pages
119) Martial Arts - 114 pages
120) Educational Needlecraft - 1911 - 136 pages
121) Farm Buildings With Plans - 1917 - 256 pages
122) Environmental Injuries - 91 pages
123) A Practical Manual Of The Compass - 1916 - 146 pages
124) A Treatise On Belts and Pulleys - 1885 - 271 pages
125) Bees for pleasure and profit - 1921 - 122 pages
126) Toy-making at home how to make a hundred toys from odds and ends - 1915 - 85 pages
127) Combat Water Survival - 60 pages
128) The plain path to good gardening or, How to grow vegetables, fruits, & flowers successfully - 1871 - 330 pages
129) Preventive Medicine - 177 pages
130) Camp life in the woods and the tricks of trapping and trap making containing comprehensive hints on camp shelter - 1881 - 300 pages
131) Baker's secrets - 1885 - 36 pages
132) Terrain Analysis - 205 pages
133) Simple cooking of wholesome food for the farm home - 1913 - 30 pages
134) Woodwork for Beginners - 1916 - 78 pages
135) Muscle building practical points for practical people - 1905 - 43 pages
136) A practical treatise on the manufacture of vinegar - 1914 - 543 pages
137) Carpentry for beginners - 1917 - 248 pages
138) Home canning and drying of vegetables and fruits - 1918 - 34 pages
139) Knitting And Sewing - 1918 - 207 pages
140) The Pocumtuc Housewife - To which are added plain directions for soap-making, brewing, candle drippings, clear starching, caring for the sick and all duties of a careful housewife - 1897 - 51 pages
141) Meat Curing and Sausage Making - 1922 - 309 pages
142) Farm blacksmithing - 1904 - 104 pages
143) Bread-making - 1884 - 64 pages
144) Complete sewing instructions - 1917 - 94 pages
145) Dairy farming - 1912 - 208 pages
146) Physical Security - 317 pages
147) The art of fencing - 1915 - 158 pages
148) The nursery-book a complete guide to the multiplication and pollination of plants - 1892 - 304 pages
149) Leather Working - 1904 - 160 pages
150) Warrior Skills - 695 pages


Organic Composting
Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to experiment and find the right formula for growing great organic foods without the need to use chemicals. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to enjoy the organic foods you want, homegrown, without spending a fortune on them at the market. The secret is organic compost. You get everything you need to understand how to create organic compost! Nothing, absolutely nothing, is left out. Absolutely everything anyone would ever need to learn how to successfully make organic compost is contained within this impressive work. This newly released work available exclusively through us is the quickest and easiest way to begin successfully gardening today!

Everyday Energy Tips
How would you like to save hundreds every year on your utility bills? The money you save can be used to take that vacation you have been waiting to go on! Learn simple tasks you can do around the house to save on your electric bill. The average family currently spends $1600 each year on utilites, and that amount can be halved with this information. In "Everyday Energy Tips" you will learn how to find energy leaks in your home, low cost ways to seal your windows against energy loss, how your landscaping can save you money and how to determine if you have enough insulation and where to add insulation for the most savings. And you will learn many more money saving tips! The trick to getting the most savings is to use a whole house approach, from the roof, walls, and insulation that enclose it to the appliances and lights inside, using the simple and practical tips you will find in Everyday Energy Tips.

Wood Turning
Learn how to make all your own items for pleasure or profit with this complete course on wood turning! You will learn how to care and use the lathe, what tools are best to use for wood turning, how to spindle turn and how to figure the diameter of pulleys. You will also learn how to do shoulder cuts, taper cuts, convex cuts and how to measure for length and set up the lathe for work. This complete course will show you how to make use of templates to create picture frames, napkin rings, candle sticks and much more! All you need to become a pro at wood turning is here!

Common Birds of North America
Is the perfect beginners guide to identifying the most common birds. With this illustrated guide you will be able to readily identify everyday birds. The birds depicted in this book are valuable reminders. We need them; we need the same clean and wholesome environment upon which they rely; we must work to ensure their continued well-being (and that of other migratory and non-hunted species) so that our own future can be assured. You will find this guide to be your first step in appreciating the hobby of birding.

Habitats For Birds
As you learn to enjoy the beauty of birdlife around your home, you may wish to improve the "habitat" in your yard so that more birds will visit your property. It doesn't matter where you live - in an apartment, townhouse or single family dwelling, in the city, suburbs or country. Just stand still and you'll hear them: wild birds. It is hard to imagine life without them. And you can watch them just about everywhere. The most convenient place to start is right in your own yard. Habitats For Birds tells you how to create an inviting place for birds to visit and enjoy.

Recipes For The Birds
Now that you know how to attract birds to your backyard and what birds you are attracting,why not treat them to some bird cuisine that you can cook up in your own kitchen? Recipes For The Birds gives you 50 easy to make bird treat recipes. Everything from bird cookies to bird salad, birdie breakfast to bird pizza, you can create a cuisine that the birds will just love! Recipes For The Birds will make you the envy of the neighborhood when the birds start flocking to your own 5 star restaurant for the birds in your backyard.

The Birding Manual
As your appreciation of birding grows, as we know it will, so will the need for more advanced information on the different species of birds. The Birding Manual provides just that with over 700 pages of in-depth descriptions of every North American bird. The Birding Manual takes you from being the casual backyard birdwatcher to becoming an avid birdwatcher. It won't be long and you will be planning trips to bird sanctuaries and other parts of the country, so you and your family can hone your birdwatching skills and The Birding Manual will be one of the first things you will want to take with you.

On Sale Now! $9.99

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