Everything You Ever Needed or Wanted to Know About Electroplating, Electrodeposition, Electrometallurgy & More on One DVD ROM Disk!
On Sale Now! $9.99
A complete listing of the materials you'll receive on the disk!
A Complete Treatise on the Electrodeposition of Metals 1905 - 728 pages
A Practical Handbook of Electroplating 1891 - 87 pages
A Treatise on Electrometallurgy 1891 - 404 pages
Electric Smelting and Refining - The Extraction and Treatment of Metals by Means of the Electric Current 1904 - 601 pages
Electrodeposition - A Practical Treatise on the Electrolysis of Gold, Silver, Copper 1887 - 630 pages
Electrodeposition of Metals - 877 pages
Electrodeposition - Alex Watt - 1887 - 639 pages
Electrolysis - A Practical Treatise on Nickeling,
Coppering, Gilding, Silvering, The Refining of Metals, and Treatment of
Ores, By Means of Electricity 1885 - 293 pages
Electrometallurgy 1908 - 329 pages
Electrometallurgy Practically Treated 1883 - 312 pages
Electroplating and Electro-refining of Metals - Alex Watt - 1902 - 782 pages
Electroplating - A Manual of Information and Instruction Written for the Electroplater 1913 - 106 pages
Electroplating - A Treatise For the Beginner and For The Most Experienced Electroplater 1911 - 107 pages
Electroplating - A Treatise on the Electrodeposition of Metals 1912 - 408 pages
Electroplating - With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams 1905 - 165 pages
Electroplating Made Easy 1883 - 96 pages
Electrotyping - A Practical Manual 1881 - 261 pages
Elements of Electrometallurgy 1852 - 396 pages
Galvanoplastic Manipulations - A Practical Guide for
the Gold and Silver Eectroplater and the Galvanoplastic Operator 1872 -
525 pages
Industrial Electrometallurgy - Including Electrolytic and Electrothermal Processes 1918 - 296 pages
Metals - Their Properties and Treatment 1904 - 574 pages
Modern Electroplating 1897 - 192 pages
On Laboratory Arts 1898 - 354 pages
On the Electrodeposition of Iron - With an Appendix Containing a Bibliography of the Subject - 86 pages
Practical Electroplating - A Guide for the Electroplater 1909 - 248 pages
Practical Plating and Polishing 1897 - 111 pages
Recovering Precious Metals from Waste Liquid Residues 1920 - 389 pages
The Art of Electrolytic Separation of Metals - Theoretical and Practical 1894 - 318 pages
The Art of Electrometallurgy Including All Known Processes of Electrodeposition 1884 - 417 pages
The Art of Gold, Silver, Nickel and Copper Plating Made Easy 1878 - 57 pages
The Cleaning and Electroplating of Metals 1921 - 126 pages
The Electrodeposition of Nickel 1916 - 34 pages
The Electroplaters Handbook 1915 - 191 pages
The Electroplaters' Guide 1876 - 77 pages
The Electroplaters' Handbook - A Practical Manual for Amateurs and Young Students in Electrometallurgy 1905 - 243 pages
The Electroplating and Electrorefining of Metals 1902 - 772 pages
The Manufacture of Metallic Articles Electrolytically - Electroengraving 1906 - 170 pages
The Modern Electroplater 1920 - 316 pages
The Polishing and Plating of Metals - A Manual for the Electroplater 1904 - 368 pages
Theory and Practice of Electrodeposition Including Every Known Mode of Depositing Materials 1887 - 149 pages
All books are in pdf format and can be viewed on nearly any computer with a DVD ROM drive.
Over 13,234 pages of information!
On Sale Now! $9.99
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