52+ Locomotives Steam Engines and Railroad Engineering Books on DVD!
This is the largest collection of locomotives, steam engine and railroad engineering books you will find anywhere!
The ultimate collection for anyone interested in locomotives and how they work. This DVD will teach you everything you need to know about locomotives! From manuals on locomotive engineering to their design, construction and management and how to repair them and run all types of locomotives, this is the only collection you will ever need to have everything covered. Our exclusive locomotive library is the perfect gift for anyone who loves locomotives and their technology. Anyone who is interested in learning will love this massive locomotives collection. This DVD-ROM contains 52+ locomotives, steam engine and railroad engineering manuals and books. This is the largest and most complete locomotives collection you will find anywhere.
You will not find a larger or more thorough collection anywhere else.
Collected together on one unique DVD-Rom this is the only collection you will ever need..
Over 19,000 pages!!!!!
Collected together on one unique DVD-Rom this is the only collection you will ever need..
Over 19,000 pages!!!!!
123 locomotives steam engines and railroad engineering manuals and books on DVD-ROM
1) A Few Useful Shop Hints on Locomotive Valve Setting - 1920 - 200 pages
2) A Manual of Locomotive Engineering - 1899 - 430 pages
3) A Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines Upon Railways - 1836 - 290 pages
4) A Study of the Corrosion of Locomotive Boiler Tubes - 1915 - 37 pages
5) Broke Down What I Should Do - 1890 - 115 pages
6) Cost, Capitalization and Estimated Value of American Railways - 1908 - 199 pages
7) Hand-Book of the Locomotive - 1890 - 325 pages
8) Development of the Locomotive Engine - 1907 - 692 pages
9) History and Development of Steam Locomotion on Common Roads - 1891 - 347 pages
10) Locomotive Boilers, Steam Cylinders and Valve Gears, Locomotive Management, Breakdowns and Compound Locomotives - 1902 - 777 pages
11) History of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1831-1920 - 1920 - 174 pages
12) Light Locomotives - 1889 - 158 pages
13) Improvements in Locomotive Engines and Railways - 1849 - 37 pages
14) Locomotive and Railway Data - 1910 - 46 pages
15) Locomotive Appliances, Supplement to The Science of Railways - 1903 - 501 pages
16) Locomotive Breakdown Questions Answered and Illustrated - 1907 - 298 pages
17) Locomotive Catechism - A Practical and Complete Work on the Locomotive - Treating on the Design, Construction, Repair and Running of All Kinds of Locomotives. Includes Information on the Air-Brake, the Walschaert Valve Gear, the Electric Headlight and other Modern Improvements of Interest to All - 1911 - 844 pages
18) Locomotive Dictionary - An Illustrated Vocabulary of Terms which designate American Railroad Locomotives, Their Parts Attachments and Details of Construction with Definitions and Illustrations Of Typical British Locomotive Practice - Five Thousand One Hundred and Forty Eight Illustrations - 1906 - 685 pages
19) Modern Locomotive Construction - 1892 - 667 pages
20) The Baldwin Locomotive Works Locomotive Data - 1912 - 107 pages
21) The Locomotive Engine Popularly Explained - 1841 - 110 pages
22) Locomotives - Simple Compound and Electric - 1907 - 1012 pages
23) Practical Locomotive Operating - 1913 - 299 pages
24) Locomotive Valves and Valve Gears - 1917 - 343 pages
25) Locomotive Operation - A Technical and Practical Analysis - 1904 - 551 pages
26) Locomotive Engine Running and Management - Showing How to Manage Locomotive in Running Different Kinds of Trains with Economy and Dispatch - Giving Plain Descriptions of Valve-Gear, Injectors, Brakes, Lubricators, and Other Locomotive Attachments - Treating on the Economical Use of Fuel and Steam and Presenting Valuable Directions about the Care, Management, and Repairs of Locomotives and their Connections - 1908 - 507 pages
27) Locomotive Engine Running and Management - A Treatise on Locomotive Engines Showing Their Performance in Running Different Kinds of Trains with Economy and Dispatch, Also Directions Regarding the Care, Management, and Repairs of Locomotives And All Their Connections - 1885 - 426 pages
28) Locomotive Mechanism and Engineering - 1894 - 328 pages
29) Locomotive Performance - The Result of a Series of Researches Conducted by the Engineering Laboratory of Purdue University - 1907 - 467 pages
30) Locomotive-Engine Driving - 1888 - 328 pages
31) Locomotives and Locomotive Building in America - 1886 - 232 pages
32) Modern American Locomotive Engines ? Their Design, Construction and Management ? A Practical Work for Practical Men - 1883 - 444 pages
33) Norris's Hand-Book for Locomotive Engineers and Machinists ? Including Proportions and Calculations for Constructing Locomotives, Manner of Setting Valves, Tables of Squares, Cubes, Areas and More - 1852 - 354 pages
34) Practical Engineer's Hand-Book - 1896 - 566 pages
35) Principles of Locomotive Operation and Train Control ? - 1910 - 300 pages
36) Railroad Construction, Theory and Practice - A Textbook for the Use of Students in Colleges and Technical Schools, and a Hand Book for the Use of Engineers in Field and Office - 1932 - 904 pages
37) Round the Works of our Great Railways - 1893 - 261 pages
38) Steam and the Locomotive Engine - 1873 - 174 pages
39) Steam and the Steam Engine - Land, Marine, and Locomotive - 1873 - 402 pages
40) Steam Locomotive Construction and Maintenance - 1921 - 160 pages
41) Superheated Steam in Locomotive Service - 1910 - 163 pages
42) The Art of Railroading Locomotive Engineering - 1906 - 349 pages
43) The Construction of the Modern Locomotive - 1894 - 333 pages
44) The Cost of Locomotive Operation - 1906 - 308 pages
45) The Evolution of the Steam Locomotive, 1803 to 1898 - 1899 - 350 pages
46) The History of the First Locomotives in America - From Original Documents, and the Testimony of Living Witnesses - 1871 - 283 pages
47) The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer - 1858 - 513 pages
48) The Locomotive Engine and its Development - 1893 - 308 pages
49) The Locomotive Volume 1 - 1867 - 220 pages
50) The Locomotive Volume 2 - 1867 - 208 pages
51) The Locomotive Volume 3 - 1867 - 208 pages
52) Locomotive Hand-Book - 1917 - 201 pages
Also included is this bonus on the DVD-Rom:
Cyclopedia of Locomotive Engineering - A Practical Manual on the Construction, Care, and Management of Modern Locomotives, Including Boiler Construction, Valves and Valve Gears, Indicators, Locomotive Equipments, Including Headlights and Mechanical Stokers and Special Chapters on the Air Brake - 1919 - 822 pages This rare text contains an enormous amount of information and will teach you all the details and hidden secrets regarding how locomotives are made and their parts and how to take care of locomotives and become a good locomotive engineer that can repair anything on the locomotive. It will tell you how the boiler is constructed and how to run the engines and equipment smoothly. This text will make you an expert on all of the terminology, parts and operation and repair of the locomotive and its parts. An excellent rare text!
2) A Manual of Locomotive Engineering - 1899 - 430 pages
3) A Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines Upon Railways - 1836 - 290 pages
4) A Study of the Corrosion of Locomotive Boiler Tubes - 1915 - 37 pages
5) Broke Down What I Should Do - 1890 - 115 pages
6) Cost, Capitalization and Estimated Value of American Railways - 1908 - 199 pages
7) Hand-Book of the Locomotive - 1890 - 325 pages
8) Development of the Locomotive Engine - 1907 - 692 pages
9) History and Development of Steam Locomotion on Common Roads - 1891 - 347 pages
10) Locomotive Boilers, Steam Cylinders and Valve Gears, Locomotive Management, Breakdowns and Compound Locomotives - 1902 - 777 pages
11) History of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1831-1920 - 1920 - 174 pages
12) Light Locomotives - 1889 - 158 pages
13) Improvements in Locomotive Engines and Railways - 1849 - 37 pages
14) Locomotive and Railway Data - 1910 - 46 pages
15) Locomotive Appliances, Supplement to The Science of Railways - 1903 - 501 pages
16) Locomotive Breakdown Questions Answered and Illustrated - 1907 - 298 pages
17) Locomotive Catechism - A Practical and Complete Work on the Locomotive - Treating on the Design, Construction, Repair and Running of All Kinds of Locomotives. Includes Information on the Air-Brake, the Walschaert Valve Gear, the Electric Headlight and other Modern Improvements of Interest to All - 1911 - 844 pages
18) Locomotive Dictionary - An Illustrated Vocabulary of Terms which designate American Railroad Locomotives, Their Parts Attachments and Details of Construction with Definitions and Illustrations Of Typical British Locomotive Practice - Five Thousand One Hundred and Forty Eight Illustrations - 1906 - 685 pages
19) Modern Locomotive Construction - 1892 - 667 pages
20) The Baldwin Locomotive Works Locomotive Data - 1912 - 107 pages
21) The Locomotive Engine Popularly Explained - 1841 - 110 pages
22) Locomotives - Simple Compound and Electric - 1907 - 1012 pages
23) Practical Locomotive Operating - 1913 - 299 pages
24) Locomotive Valves and Valve Gears - 1917 - 343 pages
25) Locomotive Operation - A Technical and Practical Analysis - 1904 - 551 pages
26) Locomotive Engine Running and Management - Showing How to Manage Locomotive in Running Different Kinds of Trains with Economy and Dispatch - Giving Plain Descriptions of Valve-Gear, Injectors, Brakes, Lubricators, and Other Locomotive Attachments - Treating on the Economical Use of Fuel and Steam and Presenting Valuable Directions about the Care, Management, and Repairs of Locomotives and their Connections - 1908 - 507 pages
27) Locomotive Engine Running and Management - A Treatise on Locomotive Engines Showing Their Performance in Running Different Kinds of Trains with Economy and Dispatch, Also Directions Regarding the Care, Management, and Repairs of Locomotives And All Their Connections - 1885 - 426 pages
28) Locomotive Mechanism and Engineering - 1894 - 328 pages
29) Locomotive Performance - The Result of a Series of Researches Conducted by the Engineering Laboratory of Purdue University - 1907 - 467 pages
30) Locomotive-Engine Driving - 1888 - 328 pages
31) Locomotives and Locomotive Building in America - 1886 - 232 pages
32) Modern American Locomotive Engines ? Their Design, Construction and Management ? A Practical Work for Practical Men - 1883 - 444 pages
33) Norris's Hand-Book for Locomotive Engineers and Machinists ? Including Proportions and Calculations for Constructing Locomotives, Manner of Setting Valves, Tables of Squares, Cubes, Areas and More - 1852 - 354 pages
34) Practical Engineer's Hand-Book - 1896 - 566 pages
35) Principles of Locomotive Operation and Train Control ? - 1910 - 300 pages
36) Railroad Construction, Theory and Practice - A Textbook for the Use of Students in Colleges and Technical Schools, and a Hand Book for the Use of Engineers in Field and Office - 1932 - 904 pages
37) Round the Works of our Great Railways - 1893 - 261 pages
38) Steam and the Locomotive Engine - 1873 - 174 pages
39) Steam and the Steam Engine - Land, Marine, and Locomotive - 1873 - 402 pages
40) Steam Locomotive Construction and Maintenance - 1921 - 160 pages
41) Superheated Steam in Locomotive Service - 1910 - 163 pages
42) The Art of Railroading Locomotive Engineering - 1906 - 349 pages
43) The Construction of the Modern Locomotive - 1894 - 333 pages
44) The Cost of Locomotive Operation - 1906 - 308 pages
45) The Evolution of the Steam Locomotive, 1803 to 1898 - 1899 - 350 pages
46) The History of the First Locomotives in America - From Original Documents, and the Testimony of Living Witnesses - 1871 - 283 pages
47) The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer - 1858 - 513 pages
48) The Locomotive Engine and its Development - 1893 - 308 pages
49) The Locomotive Volume 1 - 1867 - 220 pages
50) The Locomotive Volume 2 - 1867 - 208 pages
51) The Locomotive Volume 3 - 1867 - 208 pages
52) Locomotive Hand-Book - 1917 - 201 pages
Also included is this bonus on the DVD-Rom:
Cyclopedia of Locomotive Engineering - A Practical Manual on the Construction, Care, and Management of Modern Locomotives, Including Boiler Construction, Valves and Valve Gears, Indicators, Locomotive Equipments, Including Headlights and Mechanical Stokers and Special Chapters on the Air Brake - 1919 - 822 pages This rare text contains an enormous amount of information and will teach you all the details and hidden secrets regarding how locomotives are made and their parts and how to take care of locomotives and become a good locomotive engineer that can repair anything on the locomotive. It will tell you how the boiler is constructed and how to run the engines and equipment smoothly. This text will make you an expert on all of the terminology, parts and operation and repair of the locomotive and its parts. An excellent rare text!
Our exclusive Locomotives Steam Engines and Railroad Engineering
Collection containing over 19,000 pages is the largest collection of
locomotives, steam engines and railroad engineering knowledge anywhere
for a lifetime of learning! A wonderful gift for anyone who is
interested in locomotives, steam engines and railroad engineering and
those who would like to learn more.
On Sale Now! $9.99
52+ Locomotives Steam Engines and Railroad Engineering Books on DVD-Rom
- The largest and most extensive collection you will find anywhere!
About our DVD-ROM:
Please note that these are electronic books. You will receive all
manuals and books in pdf format on 1 DVD-ROM. The manuals and books are
all in PDF format which means that you will need to have Adobe Reader
installed on your computer to read them or a similar program. Adobe
Reader is free and if you do not already have it on your computer, you
can download it free from Adobe. This is a data DVD for use on your
computer only (requires DVD-Rom drive). It will not work in a CD-player
or the DVD player connected to your TV.
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