Monday, July 13, 2015

DIY Cheesemaking & Butter Making

76 Cheese Making & Butter Making Books on DVD !
This is the largest collection of cheesemaking and butter making books you will find anywhere!

On Sale Now! $9.99

The ultimate gift for anyone who is interested in making their own homemade cheese and butter. From all of the basic preparations and cheese varieties and how to make them to the many different methods and even forms of rennet or rennet alternatives, this book collection contains all of the information you need to master the preparation of your favorite aged, fermented and even simply worked dairy delicacies. Multiple methods for preparing butter from raw ingredients are also included as is the preparation of the milk, cream or other dairy ingredients you will be using in the process of making your own butter and cheese at home! Even little known tips of herbs or plants to feed your animals or to add to the batch of milk or cream for better processing and final results of the butter and cheese are included! The most excellent and thorough collection you will find anywhere!  

This DVD-ROM contains 76 cheesemaking, butter making and overall dairy preparation work books. This is the largest and most complete butter and cheese making collection you will find anywhere!
        You will not find a larger or more thorough collection anywhere else.

Collected together on one unique DVD-Rom this is the only collection you will ever need.. Over 7,000 pages!!!!!


1. A.B.C. in Butter Making – For Young Creamery Butter Makers, Creamery Managers and Private Dairymen 1910 – 121 pages
2. American Dairying – A Manual for Butter and Cheese Makers 1878 – 362 pages
3. A Manual for Cheese Makers 1866 – 10 pages
4. Cheddar Cheese Making 1893 – 133 pages
5. Three Creamery Methods for Making Buttermilk Cheese 1914 – 27 pages
6. Butter-Making on the Farm 1920 – 24 pages 7. A Treatise on Commercial Starters in Butter and Cheese Making 1909 – 34 pages
8. A. B. C. in Cheese-Making – A Short Manual for Farm Cheese-Makers in Cheddar, Gouda, Danish Export (skim cheese) 1902 – 85 pages
9. Buttermilk Cheese and Cottage Cheese 1920 – 18 pages 10. ABC Butter Making – A Hand-Book for the Beginner 1888 – 59 pages
11. American Cheese and Cheese-Making 1889 – 9 pages
12. A Laboratory Handbook for the Analysis of Milk, Butter and Cheese 1905 – 59 pages
13. Butter and Butter Making With the Best Methods for Producing and Marketing It 1877 – 53 pages
14. pages A Study of the Gases of Emmental Cheese 1912 – 34 pages
15. Butter Tests of Jerseys 1884 – 172 pages
16. A Swiss Cheese Trouble Caused by a Gas-Forming Yeast 1905 – 53 pages
17. Butter-Making on the Farm in Summer 1892 – 13 pages
18. A Butter Fat and Dividend Calculator for Operators and Secretaries of Creameries and Cheese Factories 1895 – 59 pages
19. Buttermilk Cheesemaking at the Creamery 1911 – 20 pages
20. Camembert Cheese 1918 – 141 pages
21. A Study of Enzymes in Cheese 1901 – 35 pages
22. Cheese – A Short Treatise on the Manufacture of Various Kinds of Domestic and Foreign Cheese, Cheddar, Dutch, Swiss, Italian, French, Limburegr, Neufchatel, Cream, Cottage Cheese 1918 – 35 pages
23. Cheese Industry 1897 – 23 pages
24. Cheese Making – A Book for Practical Cheesemakers, Factory Patrons, Agricultural Colleges and Dairy Schools 1918 – 239 pages
25. Cheese Making – Cheddar, Swiss, Brick, Limburger, Edam, Cottage 1905 – 221 pages
26. Cheese Making 1897 – 21 pages
27. Cheese Making 1909 – 222 pages
28. Cheese Manual 1889 – 54 pages
29. Conditions Affecting Weight Lost by Cheese in Curing 1901 – 33 pages
30. Control of Rusty Spot in Cheese Factories 1902 – 31 pages
31. Creameries and Cheese Factories 1904 – 34 pages
32. Cultural Studies of Species of Penicillium 1910 – 111 pages
33. Curing-Rooms in Cheese-Factories 1899 – 51 pages
34. Dairying Exemplified – The Business of Cheese-Making 1787 – 149 pages
35. Defects in American Cheddar Cheese 1908 – 18 pages
36. Experiments in Cheesemaking 1896 – 31 pages
37. Fancy Cheese in America, from the Milk of Cows, Sheep and Goats 1910 – 105 pages
38. Fancy Cheeses for the Farm and Factory 1909 – 14 pages
39. Fresh Eggs and Yellow Butter 1870 – 265 pages
40. Fungi in Cheese Ripening – Camembert and Roquefort 1906 – 38 pages
41. Half a Ton of Butter Per Cow Per Year 1910 – 59 pages
42. Hand-Book on Cheese Making 1889 – 63 pages
43. Hints on Cheese-Making, For the Dairyman, The Factoryman, and the Manufacturer 1870 – 137 pages
44. How Teachers may use Farmers’ Bulletin 876 Making Butter on the Farm 1919 – 7 pages
45. How to Make Creamery Butter on the Farm 1915 – 101 pages
46. How To Make The Best Butter 1886 – 27 pages
47. Investigations in the Manufacture and Curing of Cheese 1907 – 22 pages
48. Making Whey Butter at Cheddar Cheese Factories 1915 – 26 pages
49. Milk, Cheese and Butter – A Practical Handbook on Their Properties and the Processes of Their Production 1894 – 450 pages
50. Milk-Fat and Cheese Yield 1896 – 34 pages
51. Modern Butter Making and Dairy Arithmetic 1910 – 331 pages
52. Modern Methods of Testing Milk and Milk Products – A Handbook Prepared for The Use of Dairy Students, Butter Makers, Cheese Makers, Producers of Milk, Operators in Condensaries, Managers of Milk Shipping Stations, Milk Inspectors, Physicians and More 1906 – 233 pages
53. Neufchatel and Cream Cheese – Farm Manufacture and Use 1918 – 38 pages
54. Observations on Cheddar Cheese-Making 1892 – 276 pages
55. Plans of Building and Methods of Conducting Cheese Factories and Creameries 1897 – 32 pages
56. Practical Buttermaking – A Treatise for Buttermakers and Students 1919 – 181 pages
57. Practical Hints on Dairying 1871 – 82 pages
58. Principles and Practice of Butter-Making 1906 – 362 pages
59. Questions and Answers on Buttermaking 1909 – 84 pages
60. Rennet-Enzyme as a Factor in Cheese-Ripening 1903 – 34 pages
61. Shrinkage of Cold-Cured Cheese During Ripening 1903 – 31 pages
62. Studies Upon the Keeping Quality of butter and Canned Butter 1904 – 25 pages
63. The Babcock Method of Determining Fat in Milk and Cream for the Use of Creameries 1891 – 16 pages
64. The Book of Butter – A Text on the Nature, Manufacture and Marketing of the Product 1920 – 287 pages
65. The Book of Cheese 1918 – 419 pages
66. The Cold Curing of Cheese 1903 – 98 pages
67. The Influence of Acidity of Cream on the Flavor of Butter 1909 – 22 pages
68. The Influence of Lactic Acid on the Quality of Cheese of the Cheddar Type 1910 – 22 pages
69. The Making of Cheese 1893 – 8 pages
70. The Manufacture of Butter for Storage 1912 – 29 pages
71. The Manufacture of Cheddar Cheese from Pasteurized Milk 1912 – 115 pages
72. The Manufacture of Whey Butter at Swiss Cheese Factories 1905 – 34 pages
73. Butter and Cheese 1920 – 172 pages
74. Treatise on the New Process for Manufacturing Butter and Cheese – The Vacuum Process 1885 – 15 pages
75. Willard’s Practical Butter Book – A Complete Treatise of Butter Making at Factories and Farm Dairies Including The Selection, Feeding and Management of Stock for Butter Dairying – With Plans for Dairy Rooms and Creameries, Dairy Fixtures, Utensils and More 1875 – 194 pages
76. Woman’s Institute Library of Cookery – Milk, Butter and Cheese – 249 pages

On Sale Now! $9.99


- The largest and most extensive collection you will find anywhere!

About our DVD-ROM:
Please note that these are electronic books. You will receive all manuals and books in pdf format on 1 DVD-ROM. The manuals and books are all in PDF format which means that you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to read them or a similar program. Adobe Reader is free and if you do not already have it on your computer, you can download it free from Adobe. This is a data DVD for use on your computer only (requires DVD-Rom drive). It will not work in a CD-player or the DVD player connected to your TV.

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