Beekeeping Raising Bees Apiary 109+ Books on DVD
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The ultimate collection for beekeepers and those interested in learning how to raise bees for self sufficiency and survival! This DVD-ROM contains over 109 beekeeping books that will teach you everything from how to raise bees, gather their honey, select queens and varieties of bees, sell your honey, how to protect your bees from the elements and predators with more efficient designs and more.
You will also learn how to make a profit from raising bees on your land and how
to sell the honey you have gathered and have abundance year-round.
If you have ever wanted to raise bees and are thinking of it or if you are currently a beekeeper this is the perfect collection for you. Learn all of the tips and secrets from people who have made a living doing this for decades. These books will take you step by step and teach you everything you need to be confident and successful raising bees. The knowledge of the ages is contained in this disk to ensure you have great success as a beekeeper. You will not find a larger or more thorough collection anywhere else.
If you have ever wanted to raise bees and are thinking of it or if you are currently a beekeeper this is the perfect collection for you. Learn all of the tips and secrets from people who have made a living doing this for decades. These books will take you step by step and teach you everything you need to be confident and successful raising bees. The knowledge of the ages is contained in this disk to ensure you have great success as a beekeeper. You will not find a larger or more thorough collection anywhere else.
Collected together on one unique DVD-Rom disk are over 20,400 pages of beekeeping knowledge. This is the only collection you will ever need to learn the beekeeping skills from the pros. Perfect for anyone interested in the art of beekeeping.
The complete list of 109+ books on DVD-ROM
1. Bee Primer for the Prospective Beekeeper (1914 - 26 pages )
2. A Dictionary of Practical Apiculture (1884 - 130 pages)
3. A Manual for New Zealand BeeKeepers (1848 - 115 pages)
4. A Manual of Bee-Keeping (1875 - 244 pages)
5. A New Plan for Speedily Increasing the Number of Bee-Hives (1795 - 282 pages)
6. A Practical Treatise on the Hive and Honey Bee (1860 - 450 pages)
7. A Thousand Answers to Beekeeping Questions (1917 - 282 pages)
8. Advanced Bee-Culture It's Methods and Management (1891 -223 pages)
9. American Bee Journal Vol 13 (1877 - 367 pages)
10. American Bee Journal Vol 14-15 (1876 - 936 pages)
11. American Bee Journal Vol 17 (1881 - 381 pages)
12. American Bee Journal Vol 4 (1870 - 256 pages)
13. American Honey Plants, Together With Those Which are of Special Value to the Beekeeper as Sources of Pollen (1920 - 302 pages)
14. Apiary Experiments - Foundation in Comb Building (1900 - 36 pages)
15. Australian Bee Lore and Bee Culture (1912 - 322 pages)
16. Bee Culture in Maine (1918 - 61 pages)
17. Bee Disease Control (1917 - 40 pages)
18. A Book About Bees - Their History, Habits, and Instincts (1886 - 222 pages)
19. Bee-Culture (1905 - 100 pages)
20. Bee-Keeping by Twentieth Century Methods (1911 - 62 pages)
21. Bee-Keeping in Ontario (1908 - 13 pages)
22. Bee-Keeping in the West Indies (1901 - 82 pages)
23. Bee-Keeping in Victoria (1915 - 129 pages)
24. Bee-Keeping in War-Time (1918 - 38 pages)
25. Beehives and Bee Keeper's Appliances (1905 - 161 pages)
26. The Progressive Bee-Keeper (1900 - 102 pages)
27. The Life Of The Bee (1901 - 352 pages)
28. Beekeeping for New Hampshire (1921 - 17 pages)
29. Beekeeping for West Virginia (1917 - 54 pages)
30. Beekeeping in Arkansas (1920 - 34 pages)
31. Beekeeping in Colorado (1922 - 16 pages)
32. Beekeeping in Kansas (1922 - 25 pages)
33. Beekeeping in Tennessee (1913 - 66 pages)
34. Beekeeping in Wisconsin (1916 - 30 pages)
35. Beekeeping Practice in North Carolina (1917 - 9 pages)
36. Bees - Their Habits, Management and Treatment (1860 - 132 pages)
37. Bees and Bee-Hives (1874 - 74 pages)
38. Bees for Pleasure and Profit (1921 - 152 pages)
39. Bees in a Bar-Frame Hive (1897 - 18 pages)
40. Beginner's Bee Book (1919 - 179 pages)
41. Biggle Bee Book - A Swarm of Facts on Practical Bee-Keeping (1909 - 136 pages) 42. British Bee Journal Vol 4 (1876 - 236 pages)
43. British Bee Journal Vol 5 (1877 - 224 pages)
44. British Bee Journal Vol 6 (1879 - 240 pages)
45. British Bee Journal Vol 7 (1880 - 254 pages)
46. British Bee Journal Vol 9 (1881 - 262 pages)
47. British Bee-Keeper's Practical Notebook (1908 - 75 pages)
48. Canadian Bee Journal Vol 10 (1903 - 29 pages)
49. Canadian Bee Journal Vol 2 (1881 - 547 pages)
50. Canadian Bee Journal Volumes 15-16 (1907 - 656 pages)
51. Constructive Beekeeping (1918 - 44 pages)
52. Dadant System of Beekeeping (1920 - 128 pages)
53. Detection of Arsenic in Bees (1916 - 6 pages)
54. Domestic animals - A Pocket Manual with a chapter on Beekeeeping (1858 - 182 pages)
55. Elements of Beekeeping (1919 - 24 pages)
56. Every Step in Beekeeping (1921 - 219 pages)
57. First Lessons in Bee Culture -The Beekeepers Guide (1871 - 108 pages)
58. Gleanings in Bee Culture Vol 4 (1876 - 216 pages)
59. Gleanings in Bee Culture Vol 5 (1877 - 221 pages)
60. Gleanings in Bee Culture Vol 6 (1878 - 393 pages)
61. Gleanings in Bee Culture Volumes 1-2 (1873 - 274 pages)
62. Guide to Bee-Keeping in British Columbia (1911 - 54 pages)
63. Irish Bee Journal - A Monthly Beekeepers' Gazette Vol 5 (1906 - 85 pages)
64. Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee (1888 - 606 pages)
65. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping Explained (1859 - 409 pages)
66. National Bee Journal Volumes 3-4 (1872 - 148 pages)
67. North American Bee Journal Vol 1 (1872 - 110 pages)
68. Nuclear Size in the Nerve Cells of the Bee During the Life Cycle (1916 - 8 pages)
69. On the Mite Acarapis woodi, Rennie Associated with Bee Disease (1921 - 13 pages)
70. Outapiaries and Their Management (1919 - 126 pages)
71. Phelp's Bee-Keeper's Chart (1854 - 96 pages)
72. Pleasurable Bee-Keeping (1895 - 192 pages)
73. Practical Directions for the Management of Honey Bees (1848 - 378 pages)
74. Practical Queen Rearing (1918 - 106 pages)
75. Producing, Preparing, Exhibiting and Judging Bee Produce (1912 - 185 pages)
76. Profitable Bee-Keeping for Small-Holders and Others (1918 - 137 pages)
77. Progressive Bee Culture (1872 - 30 pages)
78. Some of the Essentials of Beekeeping (1912 - 21 pages)
79. Southern Bee Culture (1908 - 160 pages)
80. Spring Management of Bees (1921 - 13 pages)
81. Starting Right with Bees (1922 - 130 pages)
82. Texas Beekeeping (1912 - 146 pages)
83. The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture (1910 - 585 pages)
84. The ABC of Bee Culture (1903 - 505 pages)
85. The American Bee Keeper Vol 6 (1896 - 154 pages)
86. The Apiary (1878 - 397 pages)
87. The Auditory Sense of the Honey-Bee (1922 - 27 pages)
88. The Bee Manager (1844 - 20 pages)
89. The Bee Preserver - Practical Directions for the Management and Preservation of Hives (1829 - 142 pages)
90. The Bee-Keeper's Directory (1861 - 514 pages)
91. The Bee-Keeper's Guide or Manual of the Apiary (1902 - 544 pages)
92. The Bee-Keeper's Handy Book - Twenty-Two Years Experience in Queen-Rearing (1883 - 218 pages)
93. The Bee-Keeper's Handy Book (1883 - 218 pages)
94. The Bee-Keeper's Text-Book (1872 - 145 pages)
95. The Bee-Keepers' Review Volume 1-3 (1888 - 316 pages)
96. The Beekeepers Item Volumes 5-7 (1921 - 179 pages)
97. Wintering Bees in Canada (1922 - 13 pages)
98. The Hive and the Honey-Bee - A Bee-Keeper's Manual (1853 - 392 pages)
99. The Illustrated Australasian Bee Manual and Complete Guide to Modern Bee Culture in the Southern Hemisphere (1911 - 194 pages)
100. The Italian System of Bee Keeping (1876 - 32 pages)
101. The New Bee-Keeper's Text Book (1878 - 239 pages)
102. The New Zealand and Australian Bee Journal Vol 1 (1884 - 147 pages)
103. The Pearce New Method of Bee Keeping (1918 - 66 pages)
104. The Practical Bee Guide - A Manual of Modern Beekeeping (1921 - 273 pages)
105. The Practical Bee-Keeper (1851 - 80 pages)
106. The Practical Bee-Master (1780 - 406 pages)
107. The Rural Bee-Keeper, Volumes 1-3 (1904 - 220 pages)
108. Transferring of Bees (1920 - 13 pages)
109. The Handy Book of Bees - Their Profitable Management (1870 - 233 pages)
Also, in many areas raising bees is considered raising agricultural animals and can help those who qualify to obtain or keep their agricultural tax ratings. This combined with the increasing disappearance of honey bees due to both massively increasing pesticide use and foreign mite infestations, it may be not only a good idea but also a personal service of restoration and recovery to raise bees for the harshly impacted and highly necessary honey bee populations!
Also included:
2. A Dictionary of Practical Apiculture (1884 - 130 pages)
3. A Manual for New Zealand BeeKeepers (1848 - 115 pages)
4. A Manual of Bee-Keeping (1875 - 244 pages)
5. A New Plan for Speedily Increasing the Number of Bee-Hives (1795 - 282 pages)
6. A Practical Treatise on the Hive and Honey Bee (1860 - 450 pages)
7. A Thousand Answers to Beekeeping Questions (1917 - 282 pages)
8. Advanced Bee-Culture It's Methods and Management (1891 -223 pages)
9. American Bee Journal Vol 13 (1877 - 367 pages)
10. American Bee Journal Vol 14-15 (1876 - 936 pages)
11. American Bee Journal Vol 17 (1881 - 381 pages)
12. American Bee Journal Vol 4 (1870 - 256 pages)
13. American Honey Plants, Together With Those Which are of Special Value to the Beekeeper as Sources of Pollen (1920 - 302 pages)
14. Apiary Experiments - Foundation in Comb Building (1900 - 36 pages)
15. Australian Bee Lore and Bee Culture (1912 - 322 pages)
16. Bee Culture in Maine (1918 - 61 pages)
17. Bee Disease Control (1917 - 40 pages)
18. A Book About Bees - Their History, Habits, and Instincts (1886 - 222 pages)
19. Bee-Culture (1905 - 100 pages)
20. Bee-Keeping by Twentieth Century Methods (1911 - 62 pages)
21. Bee-Keeping in Ontario (1908 - 13 pages)
22. Bee-Keeping in the West Indies (1901 - 82 pages)
23. Bee-Keeping in Victoria (1915 - 129 pages)
24. Bee-Keeping in War-Time (1918 - 38 pages)
25. Beehives and Bee Keeper's Appliances (1905 - 161 pages)
26. The Progressive Bee-Keeper (1900 - 102 pages)
27. The Life Of The Bee (1901 - 352 pages)
28. Beekeeping for New Hampshire (1921 - 17 pages)
29. Beekeeping for West Virginia (1917 - 54 pages)
30. Beekeeping in Arkansas (1920 - 34 pages)
31. Beekeeping in Colorado (1922 - 16 pages)
32. Beekeeping in Kansas (1922 - 25 pages)
33. Beekeeping in Tennessee (1913 - 66 pages)
34. Beekeeping in Wisconsin (1916 - 30 pages)
35. Beekeeping Practice in North Carolina (1917 - 9 pages)
36. Bees - Their Habits, Management and Treatment (1860 - 132 pages)
37. Bees and Bee-Hives (1874 - 74 pages)
38. Bees for Pleasure and Profit (1921 - 152 pages)
39. Bees in a Bar-Frame Hive (1897 - 18 pages)
40. Beginner's Bee Book (1919 - 179 pages)
41. Biggle Bee Book - A Swarm of Facts on Practical Bee-Keeping (1909 - 136 pages) 42. British Bee Journal Vol 4 (1876 - 236 pages)
43. British Bee Journal Vol 5 (1877 - 224 pages)
44. British Bee Journal Vol 6 (1879 - 240 pages)
45. British Bee Journal Vol 7 (1880 - 254 pages)
46. British Bee Journal Vol 9 (1881 - 262 pages)
47. British Bee-Keeper's Practical Notebook (1908 - 75 pages)
48. Canadian Bee Journal Vol 10 (1903 - 29 pages)
49. Canadian Bee Journal Vol 2 (1881 - 547 pages)
50. Canadian Bee Journal Volumes 15-16 (1907 - 656 pages)
51. Constructive Beekeeping (1918 - 44 pages)
52. Dadant System of Beekeeping (1920 - 128 pages)
53. Detection of Arsenic in Bees (1916 - 6 pages)
54. Domestic animals - A Pocket Manual with a chapter on Beekeeeping (1858 - 182 pages)
55. Elements of Beekeeping (1919 - 24 pages)
56. Every Step in Beekeeping (1921 - 219 pages)
57. First Lessons in Bee Culture -The Beekeepers Guide (1871 - 108 pages)
58. Gleanings in Bee Culture Vol 4 (1876 - 216 pages)
59. Gleanings in Bee Culture Vol 5 (1877 - 221 pages)
60. Gleanings in Bee Culture Vol 6 (1878 - 393 pages)
61. Gleanings in Bee Culture Volumes 1-2 (1873 - 274 pages)
62. Guide to Bee-Keeping in British Columbia (1911 - 54 pages)
63. Irish Bee Journal - A Monthly Beekeepers' Gazette Vol 5 (1906 - 85 pages)
64. Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee (1888 - 606 pages)
65. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping Explained (1859 - 409 pages)
66. National Bee Journal Volumes 3-4 (1872 - 148 pages)
67. North American Bee Journal Vol 1 (1872 - 110 pages)
68. Nuclear Size in the Nerve Cells of the Bee During the Life Cycle (1916 - 8 pages)
69. On the Mite Acarapis woodi, Rennie Associated with Bee Disease (1921 - 13 pages)
70. Outapiaries and Their Management (1919 - 126 pages)
71. Phelp's Bee-Keeper's Chart (1854 - 96 pages)
72. Pleasurable Bee-Keeping (1895 - 192 pages)
73. Practical Directions for the Management of Honey Bees (1848 - 378 pages)
74. Practical Queen Rearing (1918 - 106 pages)
75. Producing, Preparing, Exhibiting and Judging Bee Produce (1912 - 185 pages)
76. Profitable Bee-Keeping for Small-Holders and Others (1918 - 137 pages)
77. Progressive Bee Culture (1872 - 30 pages)
78. Some of the Essentials of Beekeeping (1912 - 21 pages)
79. Southern Bee Culture (1908 - 160 pages)
80. Spring Management of Bees (1921 - 13 pages)
81. Starting Right with Bees (1922 - 130 pages)
82. Texas Beekeeping (1912 - 146 pages)
83. The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture (1910 - 585 pages)
84. The ABC of Bee Culture (1903 - 505 pages)
85. The American Bee Keeper Vol 6 (1896 - 154 pages)
86. The Apiary (1878 - 397 pages)
87. The Auditory Sense of the Honey-Bee (1922 - 27 pages)
88. The Bee Manager (1844 - 20 pages)
89. The Bee Preserver - Practical Directions for the Management and Preservation of Hives (1829 - 142 pages)
90. The Bee-Keeper's Directory (1861 - 514 pages)
91. The Bee-Keeper's Guide or Manual of the Apiary (1902 - 544 pages)
92. The Bee-Keeper's Handy Book - Twenty-Two Years Experience in Queen-Rearing (1883 - 218 pages)
93. The Bee-Keeper's Handy Book (1883 - 218 pages)
94. The Bee-Keeper's Text-Book (1872 - 145 pages)
95. The Bee-Keepers' Review Volume 1-3 (1888 - 316 pages)
96. The Beekeepers Item Volumes 5-7 (1921 - 179 pages)
97. Wintering Bees in Canada (1922 - 13 pages)
98. The Hive and the Honey-Bee - A Bee-Keeper's Manual (1853 - 392 pages)
99. The Illustrated Australasian Bee Manual and Complete Guide to Modern Bee Culture in the Southern Hemisphere (1911 - 194 pages)
100. The Italian System of Bee Keeping (1876 - 32 pages)
101. The New Bee-Keeper's Text Book (1878 - 239 pages)
102. The New Zealand and Australian Bee Journal Vol 1 (1884 - 147 pages)
103. The Pearce New Method of Bee Keeping (1918 - 66 pages)
104. The Practical Bee Guide - A Manual of Modern Beekeeping (1921 - 273 pages)
105. The Practical Bee-Keeper (1851 - 80 pages)
106. The Practical Bee-Master (1780 - 406 pages)
107. The Rural Bee-Keeper, Volumes 1-3 (1904 - 220 pages)
108. Transferring of Bees (1920 - 13 pages)
109. The Handy Book of Bees - Their Profitable Management (1870 - 233 pages)
Also, in many areas raising bees is considered raising agricultural animals and can help those who qualify to obtain or keep their agricultural tax ratings. This combined with the increasing disappearance of honey bees due to both massively increasing pesticide use and foreign mite infestations, it may be not only a good idea but also a personal service of restoration and recovery to raise bees for the harshly impacted and highly necessary honey bee populations!
Also included:
Excellent information on how to be a successful beekeeper and thrive at
it. You will learn where the best places
are to get your bees from, how and where to find the right equipment for
beekeeping, where the best location is for placing hives and how to use and/or
sell the honey you receive.
On Sale Now! $9.99
On Sale Now! $9.99
About our DVD-ROM:
Please note that these are electronic books. You will receive all 109+
books in pdf format on 1 DVD-ROM. The books are all in PDF format which
that you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to
read them or a similar program. Adobe Reader is free and if you do not
already have it on
your computer, you can download it free from Adobe. This is a data DVD
for use on your computer only (requires DVD-Rom drive). It will not
work in a CD-player or the DVD player connected to your TV.
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