Everything You Ever Needed or Wanted to Know About Horse Training on One DVD Disk!
268 Horse Training Books and Plans on DVD-Rom
Learn everything about horse training, breaking, shoeing and breeding horses!
Includes Prof. Jesse Beery's Complete Mail Course in Horsemanship!
On Sale Now! $9.99
The materials you'll receive on the disk!
Over 71,500 pages of horse training manuals and books!
1. The Horse-Breeders Guide and Hand Book 1883 - 220 pages
2. The Race Horse - How to Buy Train
and Run Him 1892 - 282 pages
3. The Horse - His Breeding Care and
Treatment 1917 - 321 pages
4. The Horse-Trainers and Sportsmans
Guide 1868 - 301 pages
5. A Method of Horsemanship 1852 -
262 pages
6. A Plain Treatise on Horse-Shoeing
with Illustrations 1856 - 81 pages
7. A Practical Guide to the Breaking
and Training of the Young Horse 1851 - 69 pages
8. The Horse - How to Breed and Rear
Him 1890 - 480 pages
9. A Treatise on the Care,
Treatment, and Training of the English Race Horse 1840 - 787 pages
10. The Horse-Owners Guide 1818 -
169 pages
11. About Buying a Horse 1875 - 302
12. American Horses and Horse
Breeding - A Complete History 1895 - 512 pages
13. American Horsewoman 1890 - 344
14. American Stallion Register 1909
- 1172 pages
15. Among Horses in Russia 1900 -
237 pages
16. An Academy for Grown Horsemen
1905 - 184 pages
17. An Essay on the Breeding and
Management of Draught Horses 1882 - 150 pages
18. Balancing and Shoeing Trotting
and Pacing Horses 1916 - 74 pages
19. Biggle Horse Book 1901 - 127
20. Bits and Bearing-Reins 1885 - 79
21. Breaking and Training Horses
1903 - 198 pages
22. Breeding and Developing the
Trotter 1906 - 181 pages
23. Breeding, Training, Management
and Diseases of the Horse 1893 - 241 pages
24. Buying a Horse 1916 - 48 pages
25. Character Building - What I Know
About Breaking and Training Colts and Horses 1905 - 49 pages
26. Cunningham's Device for Stockmen
and Farmers 1882 - 128 pages
27. Diseases of the Horses Foot 1918
- 477 pages
28. Domestic Animals - A Pocket
Manual 1858 - 181 pages
29. Domestic Animals - History and
Description of the Horse 1857 - 240 pages
30. Driving Lessons 1894 - 194 pages
31. Essays on Horse Subjects 1907 -
135 pages
32. Every Horse Owners Cyclopedia
1872 - 608 pages
33. Every Horse Owners Training
Manual 1871 - 25 pages
34. Faras Nama E Rangin - The Book
of the Horse 1911 - 110 pages
35. Farm Animals - Horses 1906 - 424
36. Feeding Animals - A Practical
Work 1888 - 565 pages
37. First-Hand Bits of Stable Lore
1903 - 343 pages
38. Footprints of the Horse 1865 -
89 pages
39. Frank Foresters Horse and
Horsemanship 1857 - 587 pages
40. Gleason's Horse Book 1902 - 434
41. Gleasons Horse Training Made
Easy 1900 - 191 pages
42. Guide to the Specimens of the
Horse Family 1907 - 77 pages
43. Hints on Horsemanship 1919 - 178
44. Hints to Horse-Keepers - A
Complete Manual for Horsemen 1859 - 479 pages
45. Hints to Horse-Keepers - A
Complete Manual for Horsemen 1906 - 480 pages
46. Horse and Man - Their Mutual
Dependence and Duties 1885 - 358 pages
47. Horse and Man 1869 - 174 pages
48. Horse Breeders and Trainers
Comparison Table 1915 - 4 pages
49. Horse Breeding on the Range 1892
- 57 pages
50. Horse Breeding Recollections
1883 - 148 pages
51. Horse Equipments and Equipments
for Officers and Enlisted Men 1908 - 106 pages
52. Horse Owners Guide 1878 - 125
53. Horse Packing - A Manual of Pack
Transportation 1914 - 212 pages
54. Horse Portraiture 1867 - 467
55. Horse Raising in Colonial New
England 1922 - 56 pages
56. Horse Training by Modern Methods
1912 - 90 pages
57. Horse Truck and Tractor 1913 -
241 pages
58. Horse, Foot, and Dragoons 1888 -
177 pages
59. Horse-Back Riding From a Medical
Point of View 1878 - 144 pages
60. Horse-Breeders Handbook 1898 -
470 pages
61. Horse-Breeding - Being the
General Principles of Heredity 1885 - 251 pages
62. Horse-Breeding 1885 - 250 pages
63. Horse-Hoeing Husbandry 1762 -
463 pages
64. Horse-Keeping for Amateurs 1800
- 100 pages
65. Horse-Mastership - A Lecture
with An Appendix 1911 - 100 pages
66. Horse-Racing in England - A
Synoptical Review 1893 - 372 pages
67. Horse-Racing in France - A History
1886 - 400 pages
68. Horsemanship for Women 1887 -
168 pages
69. Horses and Riding 1909 - 70
70. Horses and Roads - How to Keep a
Horse Sound on his Legs 1880 - 246 pages
71. Horses Horsemen and
Stable-Management 1908 - 299 pages
72. Horses, Saddles and Bridles 1895
- 368 pages
73. How to Break, Educate and Handle
the Horse for the Uses of Every Day Life 1901 - 151 pages
74. How to Break, Ride and Drive a
Horse 1898 - 64 pages
75. How to Buy a Horse - A Treatise
1879 - 50 pages
76. How to Choose a Horse 1901 - 147
77. How to Judge a Horse 1893 - 204
78. How to Ride and School a Horse
1881 - 168 pages
79. Humane Horse-Training 1922 - 317
80. Illustrated Horse Breaking 1889
- 348 pages
81. Illustrated Horse Owners Guide
1878 - 166 pages
82. Illustrated Lectures on
Horsemanship 1895 - 119 pages
83. Instruction for Field Artillery,
Horse and Foot 1845 - 302 pages
84. Justin Morgan Founder of His
Race - The Romantic History of a Horse 1911 - 166 pages
85. Lessons in Horse Judging 1879 -
169 pages
86. Light Horses - Breeds and
Management 1919 - 298 pages
87. Long-Distance Riding 1894 - 9
88. Lovers of the Horse 1909 - 240
89. Magners Standard Horse and Stock
Book 1903 - 1218 pages
90. Making the American Thoroughbred
- Especially in Tennessee - 1800-1845 1916 - 352 pages
91. Management and Breeding of
Horses 1915 - 485 pages
92. Manual for Stable Sergeants 1917
- 228 pages
93. Modern Horse Management 1915 -
394 pages
94. Modern Horsemanship - A New
Method of Teaching Riding and Training 1884 - 209 pages
95. Modern Horsemanship - Three
Schools of Riding 1889 - 280 pages
96. Modern Horsemanship 1889 - 280
97. Modern Riding and Horse
Education 1912 - 358 pages
98. My Quest of the Arab Horse 1909
- 294 pages
99. New method of Horsemanship 1800
- 143 pages
100. Nolans System for Training
Cavalry Horses 1862 - 174 pages
101. On Horse-Breaking 1877 - 181
102. On Seats and Saddles Bits and
Bitting 1886 - 380 pages
103. On the Laws and Practice of
Horse Racing 1866 - 192 pages
104. Our Noblest Friend the Horse
1903 - 449 pages
105. Points of Resemblance between
the Suprarenal Bodies of the Horse and Dog 1877 - 5 pages
106. Principles of Horse Feeding
1903 - 43 pages
107. Productive Horse Husbandry 1920
- 352 pages
108. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In
Horsemanship Book 1 – Colt Training - 1908 - 67 pages
109. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In
Horsemanship Book 2 – Disposition and Subjection - 1908 - 51 pages
110. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In
Horsemanship Book 3 – Kicking and Balking - 1908 - 39 pages
111. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In
Horsemanship Book 4 - Shying and Running Away - 1908 - 37 pages
112. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In
Horsemanship Book 5 – Bad to Shoe and Halter Pulling - 1908 - 43 pages
113. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In Horsemanship
Book 6 – Promiscuous Vices - 1908 - 38 pages
114. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In
Horsemanship Book 7 – Overcoming Special Fears - 1908 - 39 pages
115. Prof. Beery’s Mail Course In
Horsemanship Book 8 – Teaching Tricks - 1908 - 54 pages
116. Provisional Drill and Service
Regulations for Field Artillery - Horse and Light Vol 1 1916 - 194 pages
117. Provisional Drill and Service
Regulations for Field Artillery - Horse and Light Vol 2 1916 - 180 pages
118. Provisional Drill and Service
Regulations for Field Artillery - Horse and Light Vol 3 1916 - 174 pages
119. Provisional Drill and Service
Regulations for Field Artillery - Horse and Light Vol 4 1916 - 174 pages
120. Rational Horse-Shoeing 1873 -
65 pages
121. Recollections of Men and Horses
1907 - 430 pages
122. Record Book of the Scinde
Irregular Horse Vol 1 1853 - 356 pages
123. Record Book of the Scinde
Irregular Horse Vol 2 1853 - 289 pages
124. Road, Track, and Stable 1892 -
349 pages
125. Save-the-Horse - Book of
Directions 1922 - 31 pages
126. Savigears Guide to Horsemanship
and Horse Traning 1899 - 143 pages
127. The Sportsmans Repository 1845
- 357 pages
128. Seats and Saddles - Bits and
Bitting 1879 - 363 pages
129. Shoeing and Balancing the Light
Harness Horse 1916 - 103 pages
130. Small Horses in Warfare 1900 -
66 pages
131. Special Report on Diseases of
the Horse 1896 - 662 pages
132. Stable Building and Stable
Fitting 1891 - 236 pages
133. Stable Management and Exercise
1900 - 452 pages
134. Stable Talk and Table Talk Vol
1 1846 - 459 pages
135. Stable Talk and Table Talk Vol
2 1846 - 444 pages
136. Taming or Breaking the Horse
1858 - 133 pages
137. The A B C of the Horse 1900 -
129 pages
138. The American Farmer's Horse
Book 1867 - 600 pages
139. The American Reformed Horse
Book 1920 - 437 pages
140. The American Thoroughbred 1905
- 534 pages
141. The Arab - The Horse of the
Future 1905 - 284 pages
142. The Arab Horse 1906 - 176 pages
143. The Arabian Art of Taming and
Training Wild and Vicious Horses 1858 - 34 pages
144. The Army Remount Problem 1911 -
34 pages
145. The Art of Horse-Shoeing a
Manual for Farriers 1898 - 137 pages
146. The Art of Horsemanship 1893 -
202 pages
147. The Art of Taming and Educating
the Horse 1884 - 1111 pages
148. The Art of Taming Horses 1858 -
255 pages
149. The Art of Taming Horses 1858 -
256 pages
150. The Care of Horses - A Book for
All Who Have Practical Charge of Horses 1910 - 124 pages
151. The Compleat Horse-Man and
Expert Ferrier in Two Books 1684 - 509 pages
152. The Exterior of the Horse 1904
- 945 pages
153. The Family Horse - Its
Stabling, Care and Feeding 1889 - 161 pages
154. The Farmers and Horsemans Guide
to Drive the Horse 1872 - 98 pages
155. The Farmers' Practical Horse
Farriery 1858 - 192 pages
156. The Form of the Horse 1862 -
163 pages
157. The Gait of the American
Trotter and Pacer 1910 - 359 pages
158. The Gaits Exterior and
Proportions of the Horse 1896 - 145 pages
159. The Genealogy of the English
Race Horse 1810 - 170 pages
160. The Gentlemans Stable Manual
1861 - 551 pages
161. The Great Horse 1899 - 110
162. The Handbook of Horsemanship
Containing Plain practical rules for riding, Driving, and the Management of
Horses 1842 - 147 pages
163. The Handy Horse-Book 1866 - 190
164. The Harness Horse 1898 - 57
165. The History and Art of
Horsemanship 1771 - 350 pages
166. The History and Delineation of
the Horse 1809 - 320 pages
167. The Horse - Its Selection and
Purchase 1907 - 297 pages
168. The Horse - A Study in Natural
History 1892 - 222 pages
169. A Method of Breaking Horses
1762 - 143 pages
170. A Treatise on Drill and
Maneuvres of Cavalry Combined with Horse Artillery 1865 - 364 pages
171. The Horse - How to Buy and Sell
1902 - 144 pages
172. The Horse - How to Feed Him
1868 - 134 pages
173. The Horse - Its Keep and Management
1891 - 181 pages
174. The Horse - Its Origin and
Development 1911 - 505 pages
175. The Horse - Its Taming Training
and General Management 1888 - 265 pages
176. The Horse - Its Varieties and
Management 1896 - 321 pages
177. The Horse - Together with a
General History of the Horse 1850 - 466 pages
178. The Horse - With a Treatise on
Draught 1831 - 480 pages
179. The Horse 1898 - 632 pages
180. The Horse 1905 - 420 pages
181. The Horse and Dog - Not as They
Are But as They Should Be 1882 - 290 pages
182. The Horse and His Diseases 1860
- 392 pages
183. The Horse and His Rider 1861 -
267 pages
184. The Horse and His Ways 1898 -
67 pages
185. The Horse and How to Care for
Him 1911 - 193 pages
186. The Horse and How to Ride Him
1861 - 105 pages
187. The Horse and its Relatives
1912 - 345 pages
188. The Horse and the Hound 1842 -
546 pages
189. The Horse and the War 1918 -
132 pages
190. The Horse As Comrade and Friend
1921 - 286 pages
191. The Horse Book - A Practical
Treatise 1908 - 406 pages
192. The Horse for Work or Pleasure
1907 - 82 pages
193. The Horse in America 1905 - 341
194. The Horse in Health, Accident
and Disease - A Thoroughly Practical Guide for Every Horse Owner 1921 - 255
195. The Horse in History 1908 - 363
196. The Horse in the Stable and the
Field 1871 - 559 pages
197. The Horse Industry in New York
State 1915 - 278 pages
198. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 1 - 267 pages
199. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 2 - 238 pages
200. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 3 - 221 pages
201. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 4 - 198 pages
202. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 5 - 195 pages
203. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 6 - 225 pages
204. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 7 - 238 pages
205. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 8 - 280 pages
206. The Horse its treatment in
health and disease, with a complete guide to breeding, training and management
1905 Vol 9 - 236 pages
207. The Horse of America 1897 - 619
208. A History of the Percheron
Horse 1917 - 845 pages
209. A Treatise on the Cavalry and
Saddle Horse 1803 - 239 pages
210. The Horse-Owners Guide 1861 -
49 pages
211. The Horse-Owners Safeguard 1882
- 256 pages
212. A Method of Horsemanship 1851 -
263 pages
213. The Horseman - A Work on
Horsemanship 1844 - 147 pages
214. Unasked Advice - A Series of
Articles on Horses and Hunting 1872 - 267 pages
215. The Horseowner and Stablemans
Companion 1871 - 256 pages
216. The Horses of Antiquity Middle
Ages and Renaissance 1864 - 142 pages
217. The Horses Rescue 1882 - 344
218. The Illustrated Horse
Management 1867 - 1061 pages
219. The Improved Art of Farriery
1857 - 640 pages
220. The Improved Practical System
of Educating the Horse 1866 - 194 pages
221. The Improved System of
Educating the Horse 1869 - 210 pages
222. The Internal Parasites of our
Domesticated Animals 1873 - 161 pages
223. The Lady and Her Horse 1857 -
53 pages
224. The Management and Treatment of
the Horse 1882 - 261 pages
225. The Modern Art of Taming Wild
Horses 1858 - 67 pages
226. The Naturalists Library -
Horses - Vol 20 1833 - 379 pages
227. The New System of Educating
Horses 1877 - 279 pages
228. The Percheron Horse 1868 - 121
229. With Horse and Hound 1911 - 205
230. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 1 1911 - 369 pages
231. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 2 1911 - 353 pages
232. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 3 1911 - 355 pages
233. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 4 1911 - 336 pages
234. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 5 1911 - 321 pages
235. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 6 1911 - 320 pages
236. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 7 1911 - 351 pages
237. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 8 1911 - 383 pages
238. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 9 1911 - 352 pages
239. The Photographic History of the
Civil War Vol 10 1911 - 358 pages
240. The Pocket and The Stud 1857 -
243 pages
241. Twelve Lectures on the Form and
Action of the Horse 1850 - 181 pages
242. The Practical Stud Groom 1913 -
161 pages
243. What Horse for the Cavalry 1912
- 119 pages
244. The Pure Arabians and
Americo-Arabs 1908 - 109 pages
245. A Horse Book 1901 - 100 pages
246. The Regeneration of the Morgan
Horse 1910 - 14 pages
247. The Register of the American
Saddle-Horse Breeders Association Vol 1 1908 - 451 pages
248. The Right to be Well Born 1917
- 264 pages
249. The Royal Horse Book - Centaur
- 1885 - 298 pages
250. The Saddle Put on the Right
Horse 1783 - 111 pages
251. The Saddle-Horse - A Complete
Guide for Riding and Training 1891 - 93 pages
252. The Stable Book 1856 - 382
253. The Horseman's Hand Book 1874 -
20 pages
254. The Trotting and the Pacing
Horse in America 1904 - 415 pages
255. The Trotting Horse of America
1874 - 489 pages
256. The Two-Minute Horse 1922 - 220
257. The xxth Century Book on the
Horse 1907 - 379 pages
258. The Young Ladys Equestrian
Manual 1838 - 101 pages
259. The Horse, His Breeding, Care
and Use 1911 - 168 pages
260. Tips and Toe-Weights - A
Natural and Plain Method of Horse-Shoeing 1883 - 209 pages
261. Training and Horse Management
in India 1905 - 264 pages
262. Training the Trotting Horse
1890 - 378 pages
263. The Practical Horse Keeper 1890
- 289 pages
264. The Training and Breaking of
Horses 1912 - 418 pages
265. The Psychology and Training of
the Horse 1906 - 350 pages
266. The Perfect Horse - How to Know
Him 1876 - 515 pages
267. Horsemanship for Women 1887 - 168 pages
And we have also included this Bonus Course:
of Horse Training, containing the history of twenty years' experience
in training horses and breaking colts - also hints on breaking steers -
1870 - 46 pages
This rare book is one of the best for learning
everything regarding the training of horses. Learn how to train and
break all breeds of horses from an expert with over 20 years experience
in the field. You will learn how to break colts and steers with a
proven system that is virtually perfect from a practical point of view
for handling colts and horses with safety and ease. An essential
resource for everyone who works with horses.
On Sale Now! $9.99
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